Membership brings advantages!
If you are interested in our patient support and you would like to become a member, you are welcome to do so here.
Simply print out the membership declaration pdf, complete it and send it to the pre-printed address.
What advantages do I enjoy as a member of Achalasie Selbsthilfe e.V.?
• Receipt of an emergency ID card
• Receipt of regular information on the website and through newsletters
• Receipt of the book “Leben mit Achalasie”
• Invitation to activities and member meetings
• Option of active participation through voluntary social commitment
• Membership fee delivers financial support to projects, such as the production of studies and articles
• Assistance not only for sufferers themselves, but also for their partners and family members
• Participation in the improvement of medical care structures in Germany and Europe
• Personal advice from the regional managers
• Information on the services offered by hospitals, clinics and practices
• Information and support prior to making decisions

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